123 Hal yang Membuat Kaum Pria Meneteskan Air Mata

Ada sedikitnya tiga hal yang dapat membuat kaum pria meneteskan air mata, yaitu: cinta, dosa, dan wanita.(Dito Anurogo)
Cowok kok nangis? Malu, dong… Ah siapa bilang? Sst… kalau kamu mau tahu apa saja yang bisa membuat lelaki itu menangis, bersedih hati, terluka, atau kecewa, bacalah artikel ini sampai selesai.
Nah… inilah 123 [...]

Filed under: Misc

Eyes Relaxing and Focusing 3.0

Eyes Relaxing and Focusing – created for the protection of computer users, especially for those who usually sits beside the monitor screen more than one hour per day.While working at the computer with various programs, games, design or programming, users tend to lose sense of time, especially if the process [...]

Filed under: Misc, tutorial, ,

Changing Visual Theme For Facebook

This is Tutorial Of Change Visual of Facebook
You Need
1. Firefox 3.5 or Later
2. Stylish addon for Firefox

Filed under: Misc,

Eye Trainer

Many of us suffer from various eye problems. Although many do not realize it, but there are alternative solutions to such problems. All you need to make some, it’s just a few exercises for a few minutes a day and the health of your eyes with your vision will gradually improve. [...]

Filed under: Misc,